Donate to save a life
Every donation of any amount is a gift that allows us to further our mission of caring for animals. Click Here to use our secure donation processor. Put your gift to work right away!
Sponsor a Shelter Pet
Your sponsorship helps fund the costs associated with caring for one of the orphaned pets in our care. Choose any animal at the shelter you like here, or let us pick a needy shelter pet for you.
Donate Supplies from our Wish List
Click here for our complete wish list, compiled of new and used items we always need.
Southside Antique Mall
Did you know you can drop off donations to be sold in our booth at Southside Antique Mall? Take your donations to 4402 E 32nd St, Joplin, MO 64804 and they will take care of the rest. All donations benefit our shelter pets!
Mail a Donation:
Joplin Humane Society
140 E. Emperor Lane
Joplin, MO 64801
Please make checks payable to: "JHS"
A well planned estate allows you to make an impact on future generations. Call 417-623-3642 ext. 109 for more information.
Thank you for your continued support, without which we could not progress our life-saving work.
Every donation of any amount is a gift that allows us to further our mission of caring for animals. Click Here to use our secure donation processor. Put your gift to work right away!
Sponsor a Shelter Pet
Your sponsorship helps fund the costs associated with caring for one of the orphaned pets in our care. Choose any animal at the shelter you like here, or let us pick a needy shelter pet for you.
Donate Supplies from our Wish List
Click here for our complete wish list, compiled of new and used items we always need.
Southside Antique Mall
Did you know you can drop off donations to be sold in our booth at Southside Antique Mall? Take your donations to 4402 E 32nd St, Joplin, MO 64804 and they will take care of the rest. All donations benefit our shelter pets!
Mail a Donation:
Joplin Humane Society
140 E. Emperor Lane
Joplin, MO 64801
Please make checks payable to: "JHS"
A well planned estate allows you to make an impact on future generations. Call 417-623-3642 ext. 109 for more information.
Thank you for your continued support, without which we could not progress our life-saving work.
The Joplin Humane Society does not share, rent or sell donor information. Donors may elect to be listed as anonymous in Annual Reports, newsletters, or other donor listings. Any questions regarding this policy may be directed to Connie Andrews, Director.
The Internal Revenue Service requires that donors receive a written acknowledgement for any donation over $250. It is our policy that donors receive that documentation for any charitable donation over $10. Because of cost, we will not issue written acknowledgements for donations under $10 unless specifically requested to do so. Please email [email protected] if you have a question about this or any of our donation policies, or need to request a donation acknowledgement.
The Joplin Humane Society does not share, rent or sell donor information. Donors may elect to be listed as anonymous in Annual Reports, newsletters, or other donor listings. Any questions regarding this policy may be directed to Connie Andrews, Director.
The Internal Revenue Service requires that donors receive a written acknowledgement for any donation over $250. It is our policy that donors receive that documentation for any charitable donation over $10. Because of cost, we will not issue written acknowledgements for donations under $10 unless specifically requested to do so. Please email [email protected] if you have a question about this or any of our donation policies, or need to request a donation acknowledgement.